Resources and Downloads
Integral System Downloads
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation according to the Integral Theory (1456 KB)
Pictorial Diagnostic Algorithm (869 KB)
Clinical Assessment Sheet (364 KB)
Patient Questionnaire (97 KB)
Video Downloads
Normal Function
Elastic model to demonstrate 3 directional forces which act around a competent pubourethral ligament to stretch the vagina and close urethra.
VIDEO Elastic Model demonstrating the effect of muscle forces (10067 KB)
US 3 directional forces
Micturition. Relaxation of the forward muscle force (m.pubococcygeus) allows the posterior vectors to open out the posterior urethral wall. The bladder contracts as a spasm to empty.
VIDEO Micturition animation of X Ray (1678 KB)
Defecation FULL
Simulated Operations
Testing for pubourethral ligament defect
VIDEO Testing for pubourethral ligament defect (4365 KB)Control of urine leakage from unstable bladder by supporting pubourethral ligament and bladder base VIDEO control of urine leakage from unstable bladder (10349 KB)
Simulated operations for control of stress and urge incontinence
VIDEO Testing for pubourethral ligament integrity in USI (4365 KB)
VIDEO Control of unstable bladder by ligament support (10349 KB)
VIDEO Activation of micturition reflex by pressure on bladder base stretch receptors (530 KB)
Midurethral TFS minisling
VIDEO Mid-Urethral Sling (compressed) (24668 KB)TFS minisling surgery for 4th degree prolapse
VIDEO TFS minisling surgery for 4th degree prolapse (21572 KB)
Native tissue CL repair
Native tissue USL repair
PB repair desc perineal syndrome
CL/USL TFS under LA Sekiguchi
Further Links
Petros P. (2010) Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation according to the Integral Theory Towards a more time efficient method for pelvic floor rehabilitation and with a wider symptom scope. In: The Female Pelvic Floor. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
International Society for Pelviperineology
ISPP is an International multidisciplinary Society originally founded in Australia by a group of gynaecologists. ISPP welcomes anyone who has an interest in the medicine and surgery of the Pelvis and Perineum.